What do you think separates you and your goals? Is it knowledge, resources, time? The answer may or may not surprise you. Just take a moment to imagine, waking up every morning with a sense of purpose, ready to take on any challenges that might come your way. You have a reputation of discipline and achievement. That is the power of commitment. By dedicating your effort to the goals you set, you can unlock your full potential.
Most of the excuses I hear from the people I meet in the gym can be reduced to a single point: they aren’t as committed to the goal as they think they are. They blame other aspects of their life rather than keep themselves accountable for not having enough discipline.
Striving for self improvement requires sacrifice, hard work, discipline, and consistency. This means making tough choices, like waking up early to exercise, skipping social events to prioritize sleep, and resisting unhealthy temptations. The appeal of cravings will be strong, but you must ask yourself, “how will caving-in bring me towards my goal?”
I’m not saying you must be so structured there’s no room for joy. What I am saying is you should prioritize yourself and your goals because no one else will do it for you. Use a plan as a guide. When life gets hectic, adjust. If you have to spontaneously travel for work, book a hotel with a small kitchen and research the nearest gym. If your child is sick and needs to be picked up from school early, train from home or make up the training the next day. If you have a tight budget, eliminate expenses that aren’t necessary.
Before you set out to complete a goal, be honest with yourself. Why is this your goal? Is the goal attainable and reasonable? Is the goal something you’re passionate about? How committed are you to the goal? What sacrifices are you willing to make? Will you need help and, if so, with which stage(s)?
Depending on the answer to these questions will determine your success. There is nothing you can put the blame on except yourself. If you succeed or fail, it is on you. That being said, DO NOT let yourself down.
A coach/mentor can only help you so much. The coach/mentor is only with you a few hours a week. How do you conduct yourself when they aren’t around? Are you following the plan they gave you? If you aren’t following their guidance to the fullest capacity, the reason you won’t see the best results isn’t their fault, it’s yours.
Don’t be afraid to do a little bit of soul searching. Question yourself and your decisions. Question your own beliefs. If you find misalignments, there is some work that needs to be done. Always remember, the journey will be tough and there will be doubt, but with the power of commitment and consistency, you will achieve what you deserve. Everyone can improve. No one is perfect and no one ever will be. Now, go on, be the person the younger you would be proud of.